
Welcome to Local Reed.

my name is Dannis Reed, and I am the creator of Local Reed.

for the last 3 years, my apartment has been overrun with clay, clay shavings, jump hooks, and we have stepped on more earring backs than I care to admit.

my hope for this brand is to grow it into an inclusive accessory shop, where everyone feels celebrated by each piece they wear.

each pair is totally unique, and I am so excited to share these small works of art with you all.

I have loved my time sharing on Instagram, but I am so excited to be on a true shopping platform with you all. I am extremely grateful for each and every purchase, and growing this brand has been such a dream come true.

I hope you enjoy this collection as much as I do, it’s one of my favorites!

please reach out with any questions.

thank you, again, for stopping by.